Monday, June 15, 2015

Jobs For People With A Masters Of Education

People choose to get a master's in education for many reasons. Some must do it in order to get a teaching license and others choose to do it to continue their education in a more specific direction. Regardless of the reason, the degree can open the door to an unlimited variety of jobs within the education field.

A master's in education allows people to choose among many jobs.

Educational Technology

Technology in education is something that is constantly changing and also sometimes mandated by federal law. Whether it be computers in the regular education classroom or assistive technology for a special education student, the need to have someone that is qualified to work with the materials is necessary. This does not just include teaching staff and students use the new technology. It also requires a professional to be knowledgeable of what is currently available and decide what would benefit students the most.

Special Education

Special education teachers and administrators have responsibilities that go beyond what other teachers might. They are responsible for making sure that each student gets the free and appropriate education that is legally mandated. This job will include making sure that each student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that is up to date and that they are working towards learning what that plan requires. Special education teachers need to have knowledge of technology, regular education curriculum, along with information based on specific types of disabilities.

Educational Policy

Those people that work in educational policy are the decision makers of the education field. They are familiar with how things get done and might have the responsibility of deciding how money is spent, what rules are made and how local areas interpret and work to meet state and federal guidelines. A person fulfilling this role might also be a full-time teacher that works with students and can see the results of their policies first hand.

Curriculum Development

People that work in curriculum development have the opportunity to decide what students will learn. Education needs are constantly changing and require schools to stay up to date in the knowledge that is passed down to students. Therefore, it is important that people are constantly working to make sure what is being taught is current and provides a well-rounded, factual education.


Education counseling serves many roles. They can assist students in setting short and long-term goals for their future. This might involve helping them decide what careers they are interested in and what classes they should take to achieve that. Counselors can also assist students with issues that come up that affect their school situation. Whether these are personal issues from home or school related, the counselor will work with the student, parents and teachers to assist in finding a solution.

Tags: decide what, assist students, constantly changing, each student, education field, education teachers