Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Donate Used Toys To Shelters

A used toy can find new life when donated to a child in need.

Charities are often in need of resources, whether they be money, volunteers or supplies. You can still donate to a charity even if money is in short supply. There are many charitable organizations that work with children, and toys are always appreciated. While toy drives are often held around the holidays, charities will accept them year round. Donating used toys to shelters can be done quickly with a little diligence.


1. Collect all the toys you'll be donating so you know exactly what you have. Inspect the general condition of the toys as well.

2. Contact Goodwill, the Salvation Army, domestic abuse shelters, churches and other charities in your area. Describe the toys that you have to donate and ask if they could use them. You can also ask how the toys would be used or who they would be distributed to so you can decide which charity you wish to give the toys to. You can also divide the toys up amongst several charities if you prefer.

3. Drop the toys off at the charities of your choice. Make sure the toys are clean and in good working condition so a child can get good use out of them and the charity won't have to discard them. Slightly damaged toys can often be repaired by people at the charity.

Tags: charities your