Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Make A Neopets Shop Layout

Neopets is an online community and gaming website where you can adopt your own virtual Neopets, play games and create a shop to sell virtual Neopet items. You can change the layout of your Neopets shop by editing your shop description on the Neopets website. However, you will need to know code in CSS and HTML languages and have Web hosting for your image files. Neopets fan websites also offer free shop templates that you can use.


1. Upload your layout images to a free image hosting service or your own Web host.

2. Log in to the Neopets website, click "Shops" from the top menu, then choose "Your Shop." This will take you to a form where you can change information about your shop.

3. View the Netopets HTML guide for information about proper code formatting on the Neopets website. This guide can also teach you type basic code for your shop layout.

4. Type the CSS and HTML code into the "Shop Description" text box to create your shop layout. You can also copy and paste pre-made layout codes from websites such as theGraphicBin, SunnyNeo.com and AllAboutNeopets.com. The pre-made layouts are a good option if you don't have your own image hosting or you don't know code in CSS and HTML.

5. Press the "Update Shop" button to save the changes to your shop layout.

6. Click the "Shop Front" link to view your new Neopets shop layout.

Tags: shop layout, your shop, Neopets website, your shop layout, code HTML, image hosting, information about