Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Protect Pets From Mountain Lions

Mountain lions are exceedingly dangerous once they attack. They are a relentless predator who is always on the hunt for food. Unfortunately, pets, especially domesticated dogs and cats, make for easy prey. Here are some tips about protect your pets from Mountain lions.


1. Avoid feeding other wildlife. Whether this is in your backyard or at a camping site, feeding other wildlife such as deer or birds will attract mountain lions. They will wait on the outskirts of the area and pounce when their mark is unprotected.

2. Landscape your yard to lighten the wooded areas. By removing dense and low-lying vegetation, you are removing good hiding places for mountain lions. Often they will move on to a place where they are better concealed. Also, be sure to remove vegetation that deer eats. Often mountain lions track deer. If a deer is in your yard, mountain lions may be close by.

3. Add lighting to your yard. (If you are hiking, bring a bright flood-like flashlight. This can stun a mountain lion in an attack.) By keeping your yard well lit, mountain lions are less likely to try and attack pets in the yard. They do not like to be visible as then they feel vulnerable to other predators.

4. Keep pets on a short leash. It's hard not to allow some pets, especially larger breeds of dogs, out in the yard. But limiting their time next to wooded areas is of key importance. If they are kept in a kennel, make sure it is in a secure spot, which mountain lions can't reach.

5. Feed your pets indoors. Mountain lions love food, and love other animals who love food. By feeding your pets inside you are limiting the temptation for mountain lions or other animals to circulate your yard.

Tags: your yard, mountain lions, mountain lions, your pets, feeding other