Friday, April 10, 2015

Groom An Irish Wolf Hound

A wheaten-colored Irish wolfhound.

The Irish wolfhound is the world's tallest dog breed. It is considered a friendly and good-natured dog in spite of the fact that it was originally bred to hunt wolves and the large Irish Elk. The Irish wolfhound comes in a variety of colors, and all have a wire-haired coat. Because of this, if you have an Irish wolfhound, you should plan on giving it a thorough grooming at least once a week.


1. Get your Irish wolfhound accustomed to grooming at an early age. Brush your dog with a soft brush. Feel gently around its body, and lift its tail and feet to get it used to being groomed in these areas.

2. Remove excess hair around the ears by plucking with a finger and thumb.

3. Use thinning scissors to tidy the hair on the feet and around the neck.

4. Trim the hair under the wolfhound's belly especially the tuck up. There should not be a fringe of hair hanging down. The Irish wolfhound should have a clean under-line.

5. When necessary to bathe the wolfhound, do not use a human shampoo, as it will dry out the skin too much. Use a shampoo formulated specially for dogs.

Tags: Irish wolfhound, Irish wolfhound should, wolfhound should