Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Identify A Black And Tan Coonhound

Identify a Black and Tan Coonhound

The easy and graceful stride of the black and tan coonhound gives this hound a long reach in the front, coupled with plenty of drive from behind. When the coonhound is in action, it carries both it's head and tail proudly. This breed’s temperament is outgoing and friendly. It must be able to work with other hounds in close proximity, so it cannot be shy, nor can it be dog- or people-aggressive.


1. Look at the general appearance of the black and tan coonhound. This is a working breed and it can withstand cold winters and hot summers. The breed characteristics give this dog the ability to hunt for deer, mountain lion, bear and other game. The male dog should measure 25 to 27 inches at the shoulder, and females measure 23 to 25 inches. It should have moderate bone structure and good muscle tone. The length of the body is equal to, or may be slightly longer than the dog is high (at the shoulders).

2. Make sure the head is cleanly modeled. The measurement from the back of the skull to the nose should be about 9 to 10 inches in males and 8 to 9 inches in females. The breed should have an alert expression and always be friendly. The skin should not have any folds. The nose should be black and well open. The eyes can be hazel to dark brown and should be almost round. The ears are set low and hang in folds. If held out toward the nose, they should extend past the nose. The muscular neck should be of medium length and should have no excess dewlap. The chest should reach at least as far as the elbows. The tail should be based a bit below the level of the backline and is carried free when in motion.

3. Notice the powerfully constructed shoulders. The front legs should be straight and the elbows should not turn in or out. The feet are compact and have arched toes and thick, strong pads. The feet should not be flat or splayed. The muscular hindquarters should be well-boned. The stifles and hocks will be bent, but do not incline in or out. The hind feet are set back from under the body when the dog is standing on a level surface. This breed should not have rear dewclaws.

4. Notice that the coat is short and dense. The color is coal black and the rich tan markings can be found above the eyes, on the sides of the muzzle, the chest, legs and breeching. There should be black pencil markings on the toes. This breed should have not white on its chest or other parts of the body.

Tags: should have, breed should, breed should have, This breed, Black Coonhound, Identify Black