Monday, September 1, 2014

Pet & Feed Giraffes

Many agiraffes are gentle enough to be petted and hand-fed.

Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world and the largest ruminants. They are native inhabitants of sub-Saharan and eastern Africa but are found in zoos across the world. They are naturally very gentle animals and can be available for you to pet and feed. While it is unlikely that you could get close enough to a wild giraffe to pet it, you may be able to hand-feed giraffes in captivity who are used to human presence.


1. Use the raised platforms at most zoos and parks for giraffe feeding. Using these platforms makes it easier to interact with the animals. If you cannot attain an elevated position, the giraffe can bend his head down to be fed.

2. Obtain special giraffe food, usually in pellet form, from the zoo keepers or provided dispensers.

3. Offer the food to the giraffe with a flat hand. Don't recoil when the giraffes takes the food from your hand with his tongue. Push your hand right up against the giraffe's mouth if you are worried about biting, though giraffes do not bite.

4. If the zoo or wildlife park allows it, pet the giraffe by rubbing or patting his neck and face. Giraffes are gentle and generally non-aggressive animals. Females with calves may be aggressive if you approach them too closely. This is unlikely to occur to in a zoo. However, if you hear snorting or notice the giraffes in a particularly alert posture with raised heads, be more careful, as these are signs they are responding to predators and may signal future aggression.

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