Friday, September 5, 2014

Help For Homeless Women With Children

There are more homeless families in the United States now than ever before.

The "hidden homeless" is a coined phrase referring to homeless women and children in the United States. Overcrowded shelters are turning away women and children, forcing them to take refuge any place out of the weather. The safety of women and children on the streets is severely compromised. Fortunately, help is available.


211 is a 24-hour hotline helping women and children find homeless shelters.

There are constantly people in need of assistance from human services organizations in the United States. 211 is a toll-free phone service that helps women and children get the answers and services they need to survive. 211 connects people with community services in their area. The problem is that only 78 percent of United States communities are involved with 211. The best way for women to find a shelter is still to call 211. 211 is free and confidential. It is also a referral service, meaning if assistance isn't available in your area you'll be referred to an area that can help you.

House of Hope

The House of Hope is a Christian-based organization providing transitional housing to women and children. First priority goes to mothers ranging from 18 to 25 and children from infancy to eight years old. The program requires an application process proving the family lives well below the poverty line. The House of Hope realizes that homeless women and children need special consideration and help as need demands.

Women in Need (WIN)

Women in Need (WIN) was established in 1983 to meet the needs of homeless women and children in New York City. The need has not decreased; in fact, it has increased. WIN provides families headed by women with the opportunity to have safe, clean housing. Women get the chance to regain their independence, with assistance from support services and skill-based training provided by the organization and social service agencies in the city. WIN is a supportive service to help women break the cycle of homelessness.

Women Veterans

Women in the military have the same rights to benefits as men.

Women veterans are not exempt from the homelessness plight in the United States. Female vets have different resources available to them from other women. The military has agencies and programs designed specifically for homeless female veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs provides information and support in obtaining VA benefits and medical services including readjustment counseling. The Veterans Benefit Administration helps women gain the support of assistance programs from community-based organizations not sponsored by the VA.

Tags: women children, United States, homeless women children, House Hope, assistance from, helps women