Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Foopets Make Your Pet A Girl

Foopets is a fun online game geared toward kids.

FooPets is an enjoyable online game that allows you to adopt, name and care for a virtual pet. Although you cannot change the gender of your pet after you have named it and started playing, it's simple to adopt a new pet and make it a girl. It does not matter what type or dog or cat you choose; all of them can be either male or female. Complete the first few game steps correctly to ensure your pet becomes a female.


1. Go the the FooPets homepage. You will see a small screen with a virtual pet in it. Beneath this will be other animals to choose from.

2. Log in if you're already a FooPets member. If you're not, you must register after you adopt your pet.

3. Decide whether you would like a kitten or a puppy. Scroll down to view all the available options.

4. Click on the animal that you're interested in adopting. If the pet is not locked, it will appear on the small screen at the top of the page for a preview. If the pet is locked, there will be no preview available and you will be taken directly to the adoption screen.

5. Click on the different icons at the bottom of the pet preview screen to see the interactions of your potential pet. You can send a mouse for your kitten to play with, throw a ball or frisbee for your puppy to catch, or give your pet food and water.

6. Decide whether or not this is the animal you really want to adopt. If not, scroll down and click on a different animal.

7. Click on the blue "Adopt This Pet Now" button once you have selected the animal you want to adopt. A white screen will pop up with a picture of your new pet on it. If you click on a locked pet, it will take you directly to this pop-up screen.

8. Type in the name you want to give your pet in the box provided on the pop-up screen.

9. Choose your pet's gender. To the right of your pet's name, you will see two options. The first will say "He's a Boy." The second will say "She's a girl." Click on "She's a girl" to make your pet a girl.

10. Click the blue "Continue with Adoption" button.

11. Supply all the required information to complete your adoption and play with your new female pet. If you are not yet a FooPets member, you will be asked to register and provide your credit card information.

Tags: Click blue, Decide whether, FooPets member, girl Click, give your