Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pancreatic Disorders In Dogs

As is with humans, the pancreas is a very important organ in the dog's body. It is part of the digestive process and it also produces certain hormones. When something is not right with a dog's pancreas a number of things can go wrong for them. The symptoms can be as benign as fatigue and as serious as death. For this reason, it is essential to have a pancreatic disorder in a dog diagnosed and treated quickly.


Pancreatitis is somewhat common, but it can be life-threatening if left untreated. Pancreatitis occurs when a pancreas becomes inflamed. Symptoms of this pancreatic disorder in dogs would include vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort and depression. This disorder is often the result of an intolerance to foods with a high fat content. In many cases once the dog is stabilized it can be treated with diet revisions.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus occurs when a dog is not producing enough insulin. This pancreatic disorder in dogs is very common and it can be very serious. Lack of insulin causes the blood sugar to rise and that can lead to many serious side effects. Signs of diabetes in dogs may include weight gain or loss, excessive thirst, loss or increase in appetite, increased urination, vision problems, weakened rear legs and problems with the skin or coat.

Pancreatic Cyst

This is one of the lesser known pancreatic disorders in dogs. A pancreatic cyst is a small pocket of infection that exists on the pancreas. This can occur as a result of another pancreas disorder called pancreatitis. Symptoms of this disorder would include abdominal swelling, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weakness and depression. This can be treated with medical intervention.

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

This is a rare pancreatic disorder in dogs. It occurs more commonly in German Shepherds than any other breed of dog. This disorder causes a deficiency in certain pancreatic enzymes.

When pancreatic enzymes are deficient it causes problems with digestion. Symptoms of this disorder would include weight loss despite healthy diet, increased bowel movements, eating bowel movements, abdominal noises, gas, watery stools and vomiting. This disorder can usually be treated through supplements and diet.

Pancreatic Carcinoma

Cancer of the pancreas is rare, but very serious. It can cause them to produce too much insulin or hormone. Symptoms of pancreatic carcinoma are rare in the beginning, but when they do appear they may include weight loss, pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever and chills.

Tags: pancreatic disorder, disorder dogs, include weight, loss appetite, pancreatic disorder dogs