Thursday, November 5, 2015

Toilet Training For A Pug

Your pug puppy will learn faster if you adapt the training to his needs.

Toilet training a pug is all about timing and observation. As the pug grows, the responsibility for toilet training slowly changes from owner to puppy once they can control their bladder and bowels. In order to be successful, you first need to understand how a pug puppy's internal schedule works, then you can pattern a relief schedule to fit it.


The younger the pug puppy, the less you can expect them to hold their need to relieve themselves. When a pug puppy is less than six months old, toilet training is about understanding their frequency needs and fitting your schedule to theirs. The time a pug can hold their need to urinate increases as they grow. A basic rule of thumb is one hour for every month of age plus one extra, so a 2-month-old puppy needs to go potty every three hours at a minimum.


The months/hours rule applies up to eight hours. Never expect your pug to hold their eliminations longer than eight hours at any age. Don't go by weeks; a 9-week old pug puppy needs the same frequency as an 8-week until they reach the next monthly plateau. There actually is minor improvement, but you improve your chances if you don't stretch by minutes, but rather use the hourly method of increase.


Size matters when it comes to toilet training. Being a small breed, pugs reach mature size faster than a large breed dog that may take as much as a full year or longer to reach full maturity. While that seems like a positive, it really isn't when it comes to potty training. Looking like an adult sometimes means owners forget their dog is still just a baby. Pugs may look full grown at 6 to 8 months old, but they're far from it. Don't be fooled. Remember the month to hours schedule.


There are several reliable methods of toilet training. Crate training gives pug owners the most control over their puppy's schedule. A crate the exact size needed for the pug to stand, turn around and lay down keeps the puppy from roaming the house when his owners can't watch him. This is a good method if owners are home to make sure the puppy is only in the crate for the reasonable amount of time he can hold his needs. For pug puppies who are along longer than the time they can hold their eliminations, paper or litter box training is a better method. For this method to work, the space used still needs to be only large enough to hold a potty and a spot for the pug puppy to lay down outside of the potty area.


Change indoor potty areas over to outside spots as the pug puppy matures. Slowly eliminate the paper/box section of the pen. Move a similar box or paper area outside so he gets the idea he needs to use that spot.


A pug puppy needs to go outside immediately upon waking up, after eating and after hard playing along with their regular hourly schedule. These activities stimulate the puppy's system. Watch the puppy closely at all other times for signs of sniffing and circling to look for a "spot." When a pug puppy is sleeping and gets restless or whimpers, it is usually a sign they need to go out fast.

Tags: hold their, puppy needs, toilet training, eight hours, hold their eliminations, hold their need, longer than