Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Animal Welfare Careers

There are many choices for people who want to work to make animals' lives better. Many people start by working in a shelter while pursuing higher education to become a veterinarian. Others find that they are happy just caring for the animals.


Veterinarians help animals by treating injuries and illnesses as well as providing preventative care. A doctoral degree is required and admission is very competitive.

Veterinary Technician

Veterinary technicians assist the veterinarian as well as perform the daily tasks of cleaning and feeding of the animals. You can attend a community college to get an associate's degree in veterinary technology.

Shelter Worker

Shelter workers help to care for the many unwanted and stray dogs that people turn in. Some of their duties include feeding the animals and cleaning out their cages.

Animal Welfare Officer

Animal welfare officers are law enforcement officers who work to prevent animal cruelty and neglect. This is a difficult career due to the nature of the animals who have been mistreated.

Animal Advocacy

Animal advocates work for a variety of organizations to improve the quality of life for animals by changing laws or educating the public on animal welfare issues.

Animal Rescue

Animal rescue workers will take animals, such as racing or fighting dogs, away from bad or abusive situations and try to place them into better homes.

Tags: feeding animals