Monday, November 9, 2015

Introduce Baby Chickens To The Flock

Baby chickens require a careful introduction to the rest of the flock.

If you are hand-raising baby chickens for your coop, it is inevitable that you will eventually have to turn them loose to join the rest of the flock. Introducing them can be tricky, because sometimes the adult chickens will be aggressive. If chickens feel like their space is being invaded, they may attack or even kill a baby chick. It is important that you are careful about making your introductions so that the chicks will not be injured or shunned.


1. Place chicks in a wire pen in the middle of where your other chickens are during the day. This lets them observe the new chicks without being able to hurt them.

2. Repeat step one every day until the chickens start showing less curiosity toward the chicks in the pen.

3. Turn the chicks loose in the field and watch for any signs of aggression from adult chickens. If you see any aggressive behavior, step in and shoo the adults away.

4. Repeat step 3 until the adult chickens no longer pick on the babies.

5. Observe the chicks entering the coop at night. They may need help figuring out where to go, but they will most likely follow the other chickens.

6. Watch to be sure the other chickens treat the chicks kindly when they enter the coop. If not, step in and shoo the other chickens away from the chicks until everyone seems to have found a comfortable roosting spot and begins to settle for the night.

7. Continue observing the chicks when they enter the coop at night until everyone seems to have established their place and aggression has toned down.

Tags: other chickens, adult chickens, coop night, enter coop, everyone seems, everyone seems have