Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Inexpensively Spay Cats

Due to animal overcrowding, thousands of cats get euthanized daily. You can do your part to control the animal population by getting your pets spayed or neutered. Every major city has low-cost options to help pet owners make responsible decisions for their pets.


1. Pick up your phone book, and call a few animal shelters in your area. Animal shelters are often extremely underfunded, so they are likely to know the cheapest ways to get your cat spayed.

2. Call a few local veterinarians and ask about low-cost spay clinics. Most cities have pet population problems and have set up spay clinics to help remedy the situation. These are often held a few times each month, so you'll need to know the date, time and place in advance.

3. Call city hall. This often overlooked tip can save you the entire cost of spaying your cat, depending on where you live. Some cities offer full or partial reimbursement of the cost to get your cat spayed, as it relieves them of the cost of dealing with strays.

4. Pick up your local paper. The classified section often contains city and county notices or bulletins for your area. This could be an easy way to find spay clinic announcements, or find out get reimbursed for the spay costs.

Tags: Pick your, spay clinics, your area, your spayed