Monday, November 16, 2015

Cat Genetics When Breeding

Much is considered when breeding cats to produce beautiful, healthy kittens.

Cat genetics aspects considered when breeding a cat may be such things as DNA, color, health, sex, eyes and personality. Many special characteristics are considered in order to breed the perfect feline through the creative skills of many responsible breeders.


The gene is the building block of inheritance and biological process in that species. Several genes together control a single trait, such as color pigment and individual hairs. Each breed can have the same gene but a different allele. Cats have 19 sets of chromosomes. As they unite in egg and sperm, the two chromosomes form an offspring, with the dominating X or Y chromosome deciding the sex of the breed.

Genotype and Phenotype

The genotype is set from the physical DNA of the parents to be bred, which are the natural inherited genetics. A phenotype is predetermined or created to specific genes for color, size, shape and behavior.

Dominant and Recessive Genetics

Each cat has its own set of dominant and recessive genes, such as black color versus grey. In the offspring of these cats, the dominant feature usually prevails.

Tags: considered when, considered when breeding, when breeding