Monday, December 22, 2014

Write A Great Thank You Note After An Interview

Write a thank you note after a job interview to make a good impression.

Presenting an impeccable resume, landing a job interview and answering all of the interviewer's questions favorably are only the beginning when it comes to making a name for yourself with the company you want to work for. When you follow through by writing a great thank you note to your prospective employer after your interview to thank her for considering you. you maintain a professional appearance and keep your name fresh in your interviewer's mind. Sending a thank you note displays professionalism, good etiquette and gratitude.


1. Determine the method you want to use for your thank you note--a handwritten note, typed letter or email. Handwritten notes are more personal, typed letters are purely professional and emails are professional and fast. The method you choose should reflect the formality of the interview and common forms of communication the company uses.

2. Address the interviewer by beginning the note with "Mr. Jenkins" or "Dear Mr. Jenkins." This shows respect and professionalism. Write a separate thank you note to each interviewer or person you came into contact with.

3. Thank your interviewer with a statement such as "Thank you so much for taking the time to show me around the plant," "I appreciate the time you took to meet with me" or "It was a pleasure to meet with you." Include specifics, such as the position you interviewed for and the company name, and reiterate the skills and qualifications you have that would be valuable attributes for the company.

4. Write a short second paragraph including a personal touch, such as noting that you hope you can discuss baseball again real soon or another common interest or connection that you made with your interviewer. If there was nothing personal, simply restate your appreciation for being considered or note that you look forward to hearing from the company soon.

5. Close the note with a simple yet professional sentiment, such as "sincerely," "respectfully" or "regards" followed by your name. Sign and print your name.

6. Write out what you want to say and proofread it to make sure it sounds right. Use spell-check and confirm the spelling of your interviewer's name and the company name. Ask someone else to proofread it as well, as two sets of eyes are more likely to find any errors. Rewrite the note with a pen in legible handwriting, or print the note from your computer.

Tags: your interviewer, note with, your name, company name, meet with, thank note