Friday, February 13, 2015

Get Roxy & Lady Googoo On "Moshi Monsters"

Part of the appeal of the online game "Moshi Monsters" is that you can customize your own digital Moshi Monsters room with virtual decor, toys and more. You can also adopt your choice of moshlings, small creatures that act as pets for your Moshi Monsters. Roxy, a pink, diamond-like moshling, and Lady GooGoo, a blond, singing, baby moshling superstar, who's a parody of Lady GaGa, can be adopted. Because they are rare, you must complete a few extra steps to get them.



1. Enter the code "HOBBIDIDANCE" in the "Secret Code" box on the login page. Enter your owner name and password, then click "LOGIN."

2. Click on the door in your Moshi Monsters room. Click on "Main Street" and then "Moshling Seed Cart." Purchase two different flower moshling seeds. Each costs 15 rox.

3. Enter your moshling garden. Select the bag at the bottom of the screen. You should see your two purchased flower seeds as well as Radiant Roxy Rose seeds. The code you entered when you logged in gave you the Radiant Roxy Rose seeds.

4. Plant the Radiant Roxy Rose and two other flower seeds. Drag each seed from the bottom of your screen into one of the three plots of dirt.

5. Log out of the game. After 10 or more hours, your flowers will grow.

6. Log back in to the game and check your moshling garden. If the flowers are grown, you will see Roxy wandering around in your garden. Right-click on Roxy and select "Keep It."

Lady GooGoo

7. Pay for membership. You cannot adopt Lady GooGoo unless you are a paid member.

8. Beat the super Moshi challenge. Your reward will be the super Moshi gift. Click on the super Moshi gift to open it. Inside will be instructions to get Lady GooGoo.

9. Click on "Volcano" on the main map. Scroll to the far-right side of the map and click on the gatekeeper.

10. Beat the secret-word puzzle game. The gatekeeper asks you to search for three words. After you beat the puzzle, you will have access to the secret Moshi headquarters.

11. Find three items for Bumblechop. Enter Bumblechop's house from the headquarters, speak with him and locate the three items he asks for in his home. Bumblechop will then ask you to go to the Wobbly Woods.

12. Give water to the tree in the Wobbly Woods. Pick up blueberries in the woods as well. Scroll to the right side of the screen and locate a large tree. He asks for water. Locate the bucket of water in the middle of the woods. The owl will lend it to you in exchange for books, which you can pick up on the path.

13. Play the skeleton's mini game. Speak with the skeleton by the spooky tree house and play his bug-sliding mini game. When you win, you will receive a key to the house inside the tree. Enter the tree house.

14. Pick up the rat droppings, candle, feather, troll snot, bottle, mushrooms, firewood and cauldron.

15. Place the cauldron over the stove and the firewood in the stove. Mix the blueberries, rat droppings, mushrooms, feather and troll snot in the cauldron. Light the firewood with the candle. Put the bottle on the cauldron to fill it with potion.

16. Use the potion on the egg in the cage. The egg will shrink and you can grab the egg.

17.Return the egg to Bumblechop. He will ask you to put it on the stand in the middle of his house. The egg will hatch and Lady GooGoo will appear. Right click Lady Goo and select "Keep It."

Tags: Lady GooGoo, Moshi Monsters, Radiant Roxy, Radiant Roxy Rose, Roxy Rose, super Moshi, Bumblechop will