Take care of a virtual puppy on Nintendogs.
The Nintendo dog game, called "Nintendogs," allows players to adopt a dog. A player can groom, feed, walk, bath and train their pup. Once a Ninteno dog has received a sufficient amount of training, the virtual dog can enter competitions and win points. With these points, you can unlock new virtual dogs. The types of competitions a Nintendo dog can enter include the Disc Competition, Agility Trial and the Obedience Trial. The best way to succeed in the competitions is by training your Nintendo dogs.
Disc Training
1. Take your Nintendo dog on a virtual walk and go to the park. While you are in the game, go to the main menu and select, "Walk."
2. Go to the park with your Nintendo dog. Draw your walking route on the map that leads to a park.
3. When you get to the park, click on the "Supplies List" on the screen in the "Nintendogs" game. Tap on the box that says "Sports" with the stylus and then tap on a "flying disk."
4. Use the stylus to throw the virtual disk. Your Nintendo dog may need some prompting to fetch it, which you can do by tapping on the disk with the stylus.
5. Praise your Nintendo dog when it brings the disk back to you by virtually petting it with your stylus.
6. Grab the disk from the virtual dog's mouth by tapping it with the stylus.
7. Continue to throw the disk and pet the dog when it brings the disk back.
8. Repeat this training at least at least once a day, if not more, so the Nintendo dog gets better at catching the disk while it is still airborne.
Agility Training
9. Take your Nintendo dog on a virtual walk to the agility-training center. While you are in the game, go to the main menu and select, "Walk." Draw your walking route on the map that leads to the agility-training center.
10. Use the stylus to move the flashing arrow where you want your Nintendo dog to go. For example, place the arrow at the entrance of a tunnel, and drag the stylus over the length of the tunnel to have the dog run through it. Place the arrow above a hurdle and tap it twice to make the dog jump over it. Place the arrow at the lower end of a seesaw and tap the opposite end of it to make the virtual dog walk over it. In the slalom, touch the first pole with the stylus. Then drag the stylus between the poles to make the dog weave through them.
11. Visit the agility-training center with the Nintendo dog at least once a day, if not more, so it learns do the agility course quickly.
Obedience Training
12. Teach your dog to shake, lie down and roll. Tap on the dog's paw and drag the stylus towards the top of the screen to teach it to shake. To make the dog lie down, tap the top of its head when it is sitting and drag the stylus to the dog's nose. To make the virtual dog roll over, drag the stylus across the dog's body horizontally.
13. Teach the virtual dog to spin, jump and beg. Make the Nintendo dog spin by touching its tail with the stylus and keep it there until the dog begins to run in circles. When the dog is playing and wags its rear end in the air, tap the space above the dog's head with the stylus to make it jump into the air. While the dog is walking on its hind legs, drag the stylus from its belly to its chin to teach it to beg.
14. While you are training the dog, speak the command clearly into the Nintendo DS when the microphone icon appears. This will establish verbal recognition of the trick.
15. While practicing obedience training, pet the Nintendo dog a lot and give it treats. Continually teach the virtual dog tricks while playing "Nintendogs" to make it learn faster.
Tags: drag stylus, with stylus, your Nintendo, agility-training center, virtual walk, your walking route