If you adopt an older dog that has not been trained, the first thing you need to do is housebreak him. Housebreaking an older dog is really no different from housebreaking a puppy. Dogs are smart, and want to learn to please you, no matter what their age. Here's go about it.
1. Bring your dog, on a leash, to the area you want him to use as soon as you get him home. Stay outside with him, in that area, until he goes, before bringing him into the house. Praise him enthusiastically when he eliminates.
2. Take the dog in and out the same door all the time, even if you have two doors that lead to the same general area. Using the same door teaches her that is where she should go when she needs you to let her outside.
3. Limit the amount of space you give to your new older dog until you are confident he is housebroken. Close the doors to some rooms to keep him out.
4. Consider using a crate. Dogs like to den and a crate becomes a den for them. By nature, they do not eliminate in their den. Put the dog in the crate at night and for a few hours during the day when you can't supervise her.
5. Catch the accident before it happens. Most dogs start sniffing around the floor looking for the perfect spot when they have to go. If you see him sniffing the floor, staring at the door, or coming to you like he wants something, take him outside.
6. Tell her she is a good girl and shower her with love and affection every time she goes to the bathroom outside. You might even want to give her a treat to reinforce the behavior quicker.
Tags: same door