Friday, October 31, 2014

Teach Your Child About Safety

You can't be with them all the time - so teach safety basics that will help them make good decisions on their own. These guidelines follow recommendations of the U.S. Department of Education.


1. Take your child around the house and point out ways to prevent accidents: picking up toys, being careful around the stove, not running with sharp objects.

2. Point out safety signs in areas where children play and explain their importance.

3. Encourage your child to wear safety equipment when bicycling, skating and skateboarding.

4. Teach your child hand signals for use when bicycling.

5. Get your child into the habit of putting on a seat belt every time he or she gets into a car.

6. Have your child practice fire safety, and teach him or her to stop, drop and roll if clothes catch fire.

7. Plan and practice a home fire escape with your child.

8. Have your child practice earthquake, tornado, and storm safety, as appropriate.

9. Teach your child basic first aid.

10. Post emergency numbers by your telephone, and teach your child when and use them.

Tags: your child, child practice, Have your, Have your child, Teach your child