Grants for Homeless Shelters for Women
From offering support to victims of domestic violence to helping women contribute to society, women's shelters are important philanthropic organizations in a community. However, funding non-profit organizations like these can be challenging through personal income and fund raising. For this reason, grants are a viable--and often the best--option.
Emergency Shelter Grants
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Emergency Shelter Grants are available for non-profit organizations and government agencies that are erecting, converting or renovating a homeless shelter. The money can be used for both building the shelter and running the shelter, as well as educational programs to benefit the homeless and prevention programs.
Family Violence Prevention Grants
Women's shelters that cater to victims of domestic violence and that take an active role in preventing family violence can apply for Family Violence Prevention Grants, according to Federal Grants Wire. The grant funds can be used for providing shelter and for other assistance programs run by the shelter.
State and Local Grants
State and local governments also often give funds to both private and public women's shelters. For instance, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs offers grants to organizations that offer help to female sufferers of domestic violence. Check with state and local representatives to get information about applying for these grants.
Private Grants
Government branches are not the only places to turn for women's shelter grants. You can also often find grants from non-profit organizations such as churches, women's organizations and prevention groups. Universities, community organizations and social services workers can be of great help in learning about these grants.
Tags: domestic violence, non-profit organizations, also often, Emergency Shelter, Emergency Shelter Grants, Family Violence