For most people, ground squirrels are more pests than pets. But if you feel more affection than annoyance toward this small creature and are willing to take good care of it, you can become an owner. Once you become an owner of a ground squirrel, be prepared to have it for life. Ground squirrels typically die early deaths if they are released back into the wild.
1. Obtain a license to buy a ground squirrel, if it's required in your state. Your state's Department of Natural Resources or Agriculture can tell you whether your state laws allow keeping ground squirrels as pets.
2. Find a breeder that sells ground squirrels. You may call an exotic animal breeder in your area and ask if they know of a good ground squirrel breeder. You may also visit the Squirrel Board online and look for posting by breeders selling ground squirrels. Ground squirrels may be easier to find in the Northwest, since these squirrels are widely found along the west coast and in the northern plains.
3. Buy a ground squirrel that humans have handled since it was three weeks old or younger. Ground squirrels that have not experienced extensive human interaction since a young age are not easily domesticated and are more likely to scratch and bite people. There's no guarantee that a ground squirrel that has been handled since a young age will not harm you, but it is far less likely.
4. Ask the breeder about the likelihood that the ground squirrel you are considering purchasing will domesticate easily. It is much better to wait and find a ground squirrel you have a good chance of getting along with rather than buying one prematurely and hastily.
5. Obtain the ground squirrel's health records, if any. Take your ground squirrel to an exotic animal pet after you purchase it.
Tags: ground squirrel, become owner, exotic animal, ground squirrel that, ground squirrels