Angora rabbits require lots of grooming.
Having a rabbit as a pet can be many different experiences depending on the breed you select. Which rabbits make the best pet all depends on what you are looking for in a pet. Many different rabbits can make good pets, but you must think about some of the factors that differentiate one species from another.
Size Factor
Decide whether you want a big rabbit or a small rabbit. One is not necessarily any better than the other as a pet, but you should know how much room you will have for it, whether it will be handled by children and so forth. Smaller rabbits are generally more better for kids because they are easy to handle. But you should also remember that a very small breed could be injured easily because all rabbits are very delicate creatures. If you are looking for something on the larger side, you can find rabbits that weigh 10 pounds or more. American rabbits, Flemish giants, New Zealands, silver fox, beveren and the English lop are all in this category. On the other end of the scale the Jersey wooly, Netherland dwarf, lionhead and dwarf hotot are all in the 2-4 pound range. Angora, Florida white and chinchilla rabbits fall in the medium range.
Personality Factor
Different species of bunnies have different personalities. While each rabbit has its own unique personality, you can usually get an idea of what type of pet it will be based on breed alone. Jersey wooly, Himalayan, angoras, Californian, English lop and beveren are examples of lazy or relaxed bunnies. Holland lops, Polish rabbits, rex and mini rex, Belgian hares, French lops, lionheads and Florida whites are all more curious rabbits that will nose around and explore a bit more. And then there are the energizer bunnies. Britannia petites, Netherland dwarfs, English spot and giant rabbits are all quite excitable. In the case of the giant rabbit, there is also a tendency to bite.
Hair Types
The type of hair your rabbit has will determine how much time you have to spend on grooming. Choose a rabbit based on your availability and willingness to deal with grooming. Angora rabbits, although very soft and beautiful because of their long hair, require regular brushing. American fuzzy lop and Jersey woolly rabbits also require this care. Belgian hare, Florida white, English and French lop, New Zealand, Polish, harlequin, Himalayan and Britannia petite have simple flyback fur that is not difficult to take care of.
Popular U.S. Pets
According to the Raising Rabbits website, suggested breeds for keeping as pets based on their popularity in the United States include the dwarf hotot, English spot, harlequin, French and Holland lop, lionhead, mini rex, rex, Himalayan and Flemish giant.
Tags: Angora rabbits, dwarf hotot, English spot, Florida white, Jersey wooly, rabbits make