Grants for animal foundations are commonly provided to aid organizations that help animals such as stray cats and dogs.
Grants for animal foundations are usually provided by private organizations. The vast majority of private grants for animal foundations are given solely to nonprofit organizations. Animal welfare organizations seeking grant funding generally have to provide a detailed outline of funding requirements and objectives in order to receive grant funding.
Animal Assistance Foundation
The Animal Assistance Foundation (AAF) offers a grant to animal foundations in Colorado to any projects that promote animal welfare. While the budget model is not fixed, the program is limited to nonprofit organizations in Colorado or which directly impact animals in Colorado. The goal of the AAF grant is to promote Colorado's status as a state concerned with animal welfare. Before applying for the AAF grant, organizations must send a letter of inquiry to the AAF. See the link in Resources.
Animal Assistance Foundation
1805 South Bellaire St.
Suite 400
Denver, CO 80222
(303) 744-8396
Animal Welfare Trust Grant
The Animal Welfare Trust (AWT) offers a grant program to organizations that are helping alleviate animal suffering. Funding is limited to projects in the $5,000 to $20,000 range with clear objectives. The AWT grant is only dispersed to organizations that are focused and goal-oriented rather than to general capital expenditure projects. To inquire about this grant, an email must be sent detailing the funding needs and information about the project in need of funding. See the link in Resources.
Animal Welfare Trust
P.O. Box 737
Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543
Banfield Charitable Trust
The Banfield Charitable Trust (BCT) grant offers two grants every year. However, it does not fund more than half of a project. In order to apply, it is necessary to detail alternative sources of funding, the needs of the project, and the amount of funding needed. The funding given by the BCT grant directly promotes animal welfare, and cannot be used for spaying, neutering, adoption, general overhead, livestock, or construction programs. Deadlines for this grant are June 30 and Nov. 30 of each year. See the link in Resources.
Banfield Charitable Trust
8000 NE Tillamook St.
P.O. Box 13998
Portland, OR 97213
(503) 922-5801
Tags: animal foundations, Animal Assistance, Animal Assistance Foundation, Animal Welfare Trust, Assistance Foundation, Banfield Charitable, Banfield Charitable Trust