Apply For Government Grants The Easy Way
The government offers grants and low interest/no interest loans for various reasons. Reasons include business costs, hospital costs, car repair, home building expenses, daycare costs, community out reach programs, charitable events, and misc. You can spend hours online trying to find various grant programs or you can apply for government grants the easy way by going to the source.
1. To apply for student grants ans scholarships to pay for college visit your colleges financial aid office. They will have all the resources required to apply for federal student aid and other government funded money for college and training programs.
2. To apply for grants involving children daycare facilities, employment, nonprofit community action programs, and community heath contact your local Economic Security Office.
3. To apply for grants to help individuals with disabilities or barriers to employment contact your states Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)Center. VR are know to give grant for qualified individuals to go to school, start a business, attend training seminars, get surgery or money to pay for health care costs so they can return to work, equipment to solve mobility issues, and even pay for work uniforms.
4. For Grants involving family or child welfare contact your local Family service office. The Division family service office can offer grants and financial assistants for those who show need to but essential items such as shelter, food, and clothing.
5. To apply for grants involving community health contact your local Health Department. Health department are known to give grants to help organizations do community projects to better health or increase health care awareness.
6. To apply for government grants and low to no interest loans for business expenses and start up costs information contact the Small Business Administration or go to their website at If looking for loan information you can also visit with your current banker.
7. To apply for grants involving veterans contact the Veterans Administration (VA). Grants to start a business, go back to school, or for living expenses may be available if eligible.
Tags: apply grants, contact your, apply grants involving, contact your local, your local