You don't have to spend money on expensive video or computer games to keep kids entertained. There are plenty of free kids games to play online if you know where to look.
Neopets is a well-established site that has been around since 1999. It was started by Adam and Donna Powell and spread by word of mouth. The game allows players to explore the world of Neopia with an array of pets.
Runescape is a fantasy-based role-playing game aimed at a young audience. It is owned by Jagex, which focuses on Java games. In Runescape, players embark on perilous adventure in a fantasy world, solve puzzles and take up whatever role they wish to pursue with their character.
Funorb is another of Jagex's creations, but it is quite different from Runescape. Funorb provides many different games for many genres, including puzzles, shooting games and strategy games.
Adventure Quest
Adventure Quest is a Flash-based game. It is easy to play and plunges players into an in-depth world, pitting them against masses of evil creatures that roam the lands.
In the fantasy game DragonFable, players must save the realm from the evil draconian hoards. Players will grow stronger with each foe they slay, obtaining various equipment to help them confront their ultimate foe.
Tags: Adventure Quest