Monday, January 26, 2015

Report Animal Abuse

Too many times, people witness animal abuse or neglect and ignore it, feeling like they have no right to get involved with what someone does with an animal. But we all have a stake in the issue. It has been shown that animal abuse often leads to abuse of other people, so reporting animal abuse allows you to help create a less violent society. Read on to learn report animal abuse.


1. Identify abuse, neglect and cruelty. Whenever you see an animal, run through a mental checklist. Make sure the animal has food, water and shelter; has a clean pen or area; has no untreated injuries and looks relatively healthy overall. If the animal does not meet these criteria, investigate further.

2. Intervene if necessary. If you see a person actively beating or torturing an animal, step in to help the animal, as long as you feel safe doing so. Animal torture is illegal, so you have the right to stop it.

3. Talk to the animal's owner if you feel comfortable doing so, especially if the animal seems neglected. You might find out that the horse you thought was ill-treated has just been rescued off a feedlot, or the dog with the open wounds is receiving medical attention. You might also find that the people lack the resources to provide the best care to their animal, and need financial assistance.

4. Document abuse and neglect. Include dates, times and the nature of the problem, even if you just suspect abuse or neglect. Photographs and videotape are helpful, though not necessary.

5. Call your local animal control to report most forms of abuse and for neglect. You can find the phone number in the government listing of your phone book, or online. After you provide full details, ask for the animal control officer's name and ask what action will likely be taken.

6. Report animal torture or animal fighting, such as dog or cock fighting, to the police, as these are crimes. Call 911 if the fighting or torture is in progress.

7. Follow up with animal control, especially if you reported directly to them. Talk directly to the investigating officer, if possible. If you are not satisfied with the way she has handled the problem, explain why and request additional action.

Tags: abuse neglect, animal abuse, animal control, find that, have right