Volunteers can help to enrich, empower and sustain communities.
Whether you're a young adult looking to become an active volunteer in your community or you're an adult who's looking to help shape a youth's life through volunteer work, there are several options for you to choose from. There are several different volunteer opportunities and/or programs within Minneapolis that you can become a part of.
Hospitality House Youth Development
Hospitality House Youth Development (HHYD) helps aid, guide and teach Minneapolis inner city youth to live responsibly through their faith and Christian values. The organization also strives to strengthen the bonds that youth have with their families to help in their development. This is a great opportunity for adults to have a direct impact on members' lives. With the help of responsible, spiritual, caring and passionate adults, HHYD enriches and empowers youth to become tomorrow's great leaders. Adults can volunteer to mentor the children in the program, as well as tutor them in school subjects.
Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board
The Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB) has many different opportunities for youth and adult volunteers. Once a year, young people can get involved with the Minneapolis Earth Day Watershed Cleanup. This volunteer program allows youth and adults alike to help keep Minneapolis clean by picking up trash from area parks. Youngsters can also get the help of their friends to participate in a One-Time Service Project to weed and plant trees in area parks. The MPRB offers different coaching programs for adults to mentor local youth sports, such as soccer, baseball and softball.
Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities
Youth volunteers can get involved with the Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities by helping with general maintenance. Youngsters can help clean tables, chairs, windows and other areas once a month. Young adults and teenagers can help with painting the chapel. Adults can also work with the youth at Union Gospel Mission by tutoring students and mentoring them on faith and Christian values. Interpreters and childcare professionals can also get involved in the organization.
Minnesota 4-H
The Minnesota 4-H club is another organization that brings youths and adults together. Youth in kindergarten through high school can join the club and participate in projects and community service while learning about teamwork and developing leadership skills. Adults are also needed to supervise and lead 4-H clubs in their communities. The 4-H has staff available to guide adult volunteers as they teach community youth life skills and leadership.
Tags: Gospel Mission, Union Gospel, Union Gospel Mission, adult looking, adult volunteers, Adults also