Post a job ad on classified websites for free.
Post jobs for free on websites that do not charge fees to list classifieds. Find qualified employees without excessive fees and post your ad to several sites online. Place job ads by creating a free website or on social networking sites.
1. Find legitimate websites that allow you to post job ads for free. Visit the Oodle website to post a free job ad. Sign up for an account for free with a valid email address and create a unique password. Post your ad by listing details such as location, category and description. Click the "Post" button to place your job listing on the website.
2. Design your own free website to post a job ad for free. Visit the Wetpaint website to create your own website for free and post your job ad. Enter a name for your site and choose a URL to make your free website. Create an account and you will be directed to the website publishing tools to create your website. Post the job ad in the text creator in the publishing tools and then click "Publish."
3. Post job ads for free on social networking websites, such as Facebook. Create a user account to start posting job ads for free. Use the search tool to find forums to post your job ad for free or create your own. Click on "Groups" on the left side of the menu on the home page. Highlight the "Create New Group" and fill in the required fields. Publish by choosing "Finish and Save" and the group will become available to the public. Post your free job ad on the group forum page.
Tags: your free, create your, free website, post free, create your website, free Visit