Horses and dogs work together well.
Dogs and horses are natural partners, but that does not mean that your dogs do not need training. It takes training to teach a dog like a German Shepherd to walk properly around horses, so if you own both dogs and horses you need to take the time to train the dogs properly. Teaching both horse and dog to be calm around one another is the best way to ensure that all interactions between the two animals will be safe ones.
1. Find a partner to help you by walking your horse while you walk beside him with your German Shepherd. Handling a horse and a dog at the same time is too much of a challenge for one person alone.
2. Walk your dog so that he is aligned with the barrel of your horse. This is the safest place for the dog to be when interacting with the horse.
3. Ask your partner to stop your horse, then immediately cue your German Shepherd to stop. Tug lightly on the leash if the dog does not respond. Ask your dog to sit down while the horse is standing still.
4. Have your friend move off with the horse. As the horse moves off, ask your dog to walk along. Keep the dog at a safe distance from the horse. Keeping the dog at least six feet from the side of the horse will keep him out of kicking distance.
5. Ask your friend to walk your horse around a paddock, corral or other contained area. Make sure that the gate is closed so your horse cannot escape and get hurt. Walk the dog around near the horse. Stop and reprimand the dog if he tries to jump on the horse or nip at his heels. It is not necessary to strike the dog -- a sharp "no" and a snap of the lead should be sufficient.
6. Remove the leash from your German Shepherd and allow him to walk around the corral while your friend walks the horse around. Watch the dog closely and reprimand him sharply for any nipping or aggressive behavior. Keep the leash at the ready, and put the dog back on the lead if he misbehaves. Continue to work with your dog until he is able to interact politely and safely with the horse.
7. Ride your horse while your partner walks the German Shepherd next to you. Continue to have your partner walk the dog next to your horse for several days. If the dog remains calm and stops on cue, remove the leash and have your partner remain nearby while the German Shepherd walks alongside your horse s you ride.
Tags: your horse, German Shepherd, your partner, your friend, your German, your German Shepherd, have your