Thursday, October 22, 2015

File A Small Claims Case In Pasadena California

File your own case in Small Claims Court

It can be expensive to hire an attorney to get a rental deposit back or to get your money returned for defective merchandise. In Pasadena, Ca., as in other areas of the country, there is an alternative for collecting a small amount of money owed to you. Small Claims Court is where you can file cases yourself, in person or by mail. Procedures in Small Claims are simpler than in other courts and somewhat quicker.


File in Person

1. File your claim with the court clerk

Print and complete the Small Claims forms available online, which will outline your case. This is done using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is a free online download.

Cases in which people are suing for up to $7,500 or recovery of personal property can be heard in small claims court.

2. File the forms at the courthouse with the court clerk.

The courthouse location is:

300 E Walnut St

Pasadena, CA 91101

3. Pay the fee with your forms. This can be done with cash, credit card, money order or a check made out to "Los Angeles Superior Court".

The fee is based on the amount of your claim. For a small claim no larger than $1,500, the fee is $30, claims up to $5,000 cost $50 and the largest claim permitted in small claims court is $7,500, which costs $75.

File by Mail

4. Mail your completed paperwork directly to the courthouse. The address for the Pasadena Courthouse is:

Pasadena Courthouse

300 East Walnut St.

Pasadena, CA 91101

5. Include a check or money order made out to "Los Angeles Superior Court" for the filing fee. The fee for the mail-in claim is the same as filing in person.

6. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your claim forms. This will enable the court to mail a copy of the filed forms to you.

File by Fax

7. Fax your claim to the court.

Fill out the "Facsimile Transmission Cover Sheet" (see Resources 3). This must be signed and a credit card number included.

8. Fax the completed cover sheet and the claim papers to the Pasadena Courthouse fax machine at


9. Request confirmation on the Facsimile Transmission Cover Sheet that the court received your claim. The fee for this confirmation is $4.50 for the first page and 75 cents for all other pages.

Tags: your claim, File your, Pasadena Courthouse, Small Claims, Angeles Superior