Friday, October 23, 2015

Clean A German Shepherd'S Ears

Check your German shepherd's ears at least once a week to see if they need to be cleaned.

German shepherds are large dogs that make great companions. Caring for a German shepherd properly is an important part of being a dog owner. Feeding, walking, and brushing are just a few of the most basic things that can be done to care for a German shepherd. Cleaning a German shepherd's ears is also a very important part of basic grooming. It is important to clean a German shepherd's ears regularly to remove any wax or buildup in the ears. Regular cleaning of your German shepherd's ears will reduce the risk of a serious ear problem down the road.


1. Choose an ear cleaning solution. You can buy these solutions at pet stores or make your own. Combine equal parts rubbing alcohol and white vinegar into a squirt bottle for a homemade ear cleaner.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This will prevent any bacteria from being introduced into the dog's ears.

3. Hold the German shepherd's head still by gently wrapping your arm around his neck. Place the tip of the squirt bottle just inside of the ear canal. Squirt a few drops of the ear cleaner into the ear canal. Work on one ear at a time.

4. Place your thumb and forefinger at the base of the ear and gently message the ear for about 20 seconds. Release the ear from your fingers. The German shepherd will now shake his head to remove the excess solution from his ear. Give him a few minutes to relax before proceeding.

5. Remove wax and buildup from the ear with a soft rag. A cotton swab may be used to clean around the base of the ear and the ear canal, but do not insert the swab down into the ear canal. The wax and buildup will be visible as the ear cleaner and the dog shaking his head will have brought it up to the surface.

6. Repeat this process on the other ear. Wait a significant amount of time in between cleaning each ear to give the dog a chance to relax.

7. Wipe the German Shepherd's ears with mineral oil for light cleaning. Dampen a cotton ball with mineral oil. Gently wipe out any exposed wax or buildup with the cotton ball.

Tags: German shepherd, German shepherd ears, cotton ball, German Shepherd, important part, into canal, shepherd ears