Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ideas For Teacher'S Gifts For Christmas

A batch of cookies, along with the recipe, makes a nice gift for a teacher.

Gifts to the teacher aren't required, but Christmas is a nice time to show your thanks. Your children's teacher certainly plays an important role in their lives, so choose a gift that shows a bit more thought than an apple-scented candle. A collaborative effort by the class or something handmade by your child carries sentimental value, while an item that can help the teacher in the classroom will be appreciated for its practicality.

Christmas Cookie Recipe

Many families have a Christmas cookie recipe that is part of their holiday tradition. Contact the parents of your child's classmates, and ask them to contribute a copy of their favorite cookie recipe. Use the recipes you collect to put together a Class Christmas Cookie Recipe Book. Have each parent contribute a small sampling of the baked cookies, and give the teacher a large tin of homemade cookies, along with the recipe book. Alternatively, give a set of Christmas cookie cutters or an apron and oven mitts with the recipe book.

Endangered Species Adoption

Wildlife conservation organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund offer symbolic adoptions of endangered animals. Adopt an endangered species in the name of the teacher or class. Choose an adoption package that includes a plush version of the adopted species. This plush animal can sit on a shelf in the classroom and become the class pet. The teacher can use this adopted animal in lessons to inspire awareness about endangered species, natural habitats, geography, climate change and ways to help conserve the environment.

Books for the Classroom

Purchase grade-level books for the classroom library. Many teachers are responsible for purchasing their own classroom supplies. A gift of one or a series of books will help the teacher build the classroom collection. Add a dedication note of thanks inside the front cover, along with the year, so the teacher can be reminded of how appreciated she is when she reads the book to her students year after year.

Handmade Gifts

Consider the handmade gifts children make at school to bring home to their parents. Year after year, the teachers help their students make these gifts. Wouldn't it be nice to receive one of their own?

Have your child glue and paint a picture frame made from Popsicle sticks. Place your child's photo inside. On the back of the frame, add a poem of thanks to the teacher for guiding and caring for your child each day.

Ask your child about his favorite classroom memory. Have him child draw or paint a picture of this memory. On the back of the picture, have him write a short explanation of the scene.

Have your child paint and decorate a shoe box. Fill it with classroom supplies such as pencils, glue sticks, erasers, crayons, paper clips and note pads.

Tags: your child, along with, with recipe, after year, along with recipe, classroom supplies, cookies along