Facebook's virtual poke feature allows you to get your friend's attention or say hello. Your Facebook friend receives an alert when you send a poke. The optional SuperPoke! application builds on that premise with the ability to send a humorous image and accompanying message as an attention-getter. For example, you can throw a sheep or give a hug through SuperPoke. The application offers greater creativity over the standard poke alert.
1. Type "SuperPoke" into the Facebook search bar. Click the magnifying glass to search.
2. Click the "Apps" icon on the sidebar menu to narrow the search results.
3. Select "SuperPoke!" and click "View App."
4. Click "Go to App."
5. Review the "Request for Permission" and click "Allow" to access the SuperPoke! application.
6. Click the radio button next to the type of SuperPoke you wish to send.
7. Click the check box next to the friend you wish to SuperPoke. Selecting multiple names is optional.
8. Type a message in the text box to accompany your SuperPoke, if desired.
9. Click "Share" to send the SuperPoke.
Tags: SuperPoke application, search Click