How Does a Meteorologist Spend a Typical Workday?
1. Theoretical meteorologists do research. Research covers investigating all areas of atmospheric weather conditions.
To gather information on unusual weather conditions, there can be travel to distant places. A day may include working in an airplane gathering data on an unusual weather pattern with monitoring equipment. The information is then analyzed. From there, a model or theory can be developed as a way of understanding the weather event.
While in education, a meteorologist is involved in teaching. These meteorologists are generally also involved in the theoretical research part of meteorology.
2. Operational, also known as synoptic, meteorologists are involved in forecasting. A typical day for them includes the use of monitoring equipment to gather information and other equipment for developing forecasts.
Equipment Used
3. Both theoretical and synoptic meteorologists use these instruments throughout the day for gathering data and then developing either a forecast or model:
• An anemometer measures the force and direction of the wind.
• A barometer measures the atmospheric pressure and the changes in atmospheric pressure.
• Ceilometers are instruments used to measure cloud-height; to measure the height of a cloud ceiling.
• Maps and charts.
• A radiosonde that is carried by a balloon and is used to measure and transmit meteorological data by radio.
• Super computer.
• A theodolite is a surveyor's instrument for measuring angles. It is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles.
• Weather balloon, which is used to carry meteorological instruments.
4. Once data is gathered and a forecast is developed, then the public is told. This includes daily, long term and extreme weather conditions. In order to develop a forecast, a meteorologist uses charts and graphs and applies math formulas. They evaluate movements of weather patterns and visualize a three-dimensional weather situation using pictures or illustrations. They also use models from super computers and finally make individual decisions based upon all the information and personal experience.
Tags: used measure, weather conditions, atmospheric pressure, gather information, gathering data, Meteorologist Spend