There are several things you must do when you decide you want to adopt a ferret. With preparation the process can go smoothly.
Adopt A Ferret
1. First you need to be sure a ferret is the right animal to bring into your home. If you have very young children who cannot handle animals gently, a ferret may not be the best pet. You need to have 2 to 3 hours to spend to allow your ferret to exercise outside of his cage. Ferrets must have regular exercise to remain healthy. You will also need to make sure it is legal to have a ferret in your state.
2. Next, you need to prepare your home to make it ferret friendly. Even if you plan on buying a pen for your ferret it is always possible that he will escape. In case he gets out of his pen you need to make sure that there are no holes or spaces for him to crawl into. Fit your outlets with plugs designed to keep babies safe and use baby proofing latches on cabinets.
3. There are several supplies you will need when you decide to adopt a ferret. You should buy ferret food and treats, clippers for their nails, litter and a litter pan, shampoo and brush, a food dish and water bottle, and a bed or hammock. Additionally you will need to choose the type of home your ferret will live in.
4. Choose where to adopt the ferret from. There are many ferret shelters or you could choose a pet shop. If you want to adopt a ferret that has been abandoned then a ferret shelter is the best place to look. If you want a ferret that has never been part of a family then you should adopt a ferret from a licensed pet shop.
5. Finally, go to the location you have chosen and introduce yourself to the ferrets that are available. Only adopt a ferret whose personality is appealing to you. If at first you do not find a ferret that you feel you could enjoy a long relationship with do not buy a substitute ferret. Instead ask the owners when their new pets are delivered and schedule another adoption interview at a later date.
Tags: adopt ferret, ferret that, your ferret, adopt ferret, adopt ferret from, ferret from, into your