Friday, March 13, 2015

Travel With Cockatiels

Take precautions, and follow regulations when taking your cockatiel on vacation.

A cockatiel can prevent you from traveling if you're unsure of care for it in the air or on the road. The guidelines to transporting birds may be complicated in some cases, but are imperative to keeping the cockatiel from danger. For instance, birds shouldn't travel in their ornamental cage for fear of injury caused to the bird while it is bathing. Because of this, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip for your pet involves taking the proper precautions.



1. Obtain a signed document from your cockatiel's veterinarian stating that your pet is healthy. Secure one at least 10 days before traveling.

2. Provide your cockatiel an identification tag with your home information and cell phone number.

3. Book a direct flight to avoid layovers and misplacement of the cockatiel.

4. Purchase a USDA-approved shipping crate large enough for your cockatiel to move around for an extended flight. Write "LIVE ANIMAL" at the top of the crate in letters at least 1 inch tall. An arrow should indicate the crate's right-side up.


5. Take your cockatiel to its veterinarian two weeks before the trip to obtain a signed health certificate. Check with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service if traveling across state lines.

6. Purchase a travel cage smaller than your cockatiel's ornate home cage. The ideal cage should allow sufficient room for your cockatiel to stretch its wings and move around, as well as a way to secure it with a seat belt.

7. Allow your cockatiel breaks from the car ride whenever possible. Properly secure it, and give it a few treats and interaction.

8. Use a travel water filter for your cockatiel's water supply.

9. Provide a sufficient supply of the cockatiel's food and treats, and pack extra cleaning supplies, such as cage liners, cleaning cloths and paper towels.

Tags: your cockatiel, cockatiel veterinarian, move around, your cockatiel veterinarian