Thursday, September 17, 2015

Train A Sensitive Dog

Sensitive dogs can be difficult to train because they can easily be traumatized if too much negative reinforcement is used. Fortunately, these dogs are also very eager to please, and if you use the right methods, training should be a breeze.


1. Develop a relationship so that you have the dog's trust. Take a few days just to play with the dog until you are both comfortable around each other. This will make training easier because the dog will already know that you are a friend, so he will be less easily frightened and more devoted to pleasing you.

2. Focus heavily on positive reinforcement. A sensitive dog will not respond well to scolding, a simple "no" when she is incorrect is all the reprimand you should use. Reward positive behavior with treats and attention.

3. If the dog is having trouble with a certain skill, go back to something he has already mastered and then take a break from training. If you linger too long on something your dog does not understand, the session can turn too negative, and a sensitive dog will begin to associate training with being reprimanded. Instead, move on and come back to the skill in your next session.

4. Be consistent. It is easier for any dog to learn skills if they are trained in the same setting using the same command words and hand signals; because sensitive dogs are more prone to becoming stressed by training, consistency will help them feel comfortable. When the dog is comfortable, she will be able to focus completely on you and her task, which will make your training more effective.

5. Always end on a positive note. Finish with a skill your dog enjoys and always end training sessions with lots of praise and rewards, so your dog associates training with positive moments and rather than frustration.

Tags: sensitive will, skill your, training with, will make