Friday, January 23, 2015

Move A Dog To A New Home

Don't let man's best friend get lost in the shuffle of a move. Relocating your dog to a new home can be a smooth transition for everyone involved if you follow these simple steps.


Before the Move

1. Obtain a copy of your dog's veterinary records to give to the vet in the new area.

2. Call the state veterinarian in the capital of the state you're moving to. Find out if you need to provide any paperwork to bring your dog into the state.

3. Call the town or village hall in the new locale. Ask about licensing requirements.

4. Make arrangements for your dog to travel with you in a car or by air. Dogs normally aren't permitted on trains or buses.

When You Move

5. Feed your dog five to six hours before traveling. Give her water two hours before traveling. Medicate the dog if she becomes overexcited while traveling.

6. Bring food and water along. Make frequent stops to walk your dog and let her drink.

7. Keep your dog confined when you get to the new home. A dog can easily escape during the moving process. Let your dog out once all doors and windows are closed, and allow her to become familiar with the house.

8. Use your dog's familiar bowls, bedding and toys. Put them in a location similar to where they used to be.

9. Accompany your dog outside until she's familiar with the area.

10. Try to stick to your dog's regular schedule in the first days after the move.

11. Locate a vet in your area. Make an appointment and take your dog's records in.

Tags: before traveling, familiar with, hours before, hours before traveling