Online hamsters can help train children for real pets.
Virtual hamster games are fun online games played by children and adults alike. The appeal of virtual pets is that you get the fun of having a pet without actually cleaning up the animal's mess or spending money on food and other necessities. Virtual pets can be a good training tool for children who want hamsters, but may not be ready to take care of a live animal just yet. Playing these games can help them understand the care and responsibility involved.
Hamster Academy
1. Visit Hamster Academy's website. (See Resources.) Click the large purple box labeled "Register" and follow the steps to set up an account. Familiarize yourself with the interface and the "gold coin" money system.
2. Design your hamster with certain skills, abilities and looks. Purchase a virtual food bowl and water bottle with your hamster's cage. Check the food and bottle regularly and empty or clean them as needed.
3. Log in at least every three days to replenish your store of money. Sign up for training to increase your salary. Purchase cotton, straw and twigs to help your hamster create his own nest. Buy wood logs and a building plan if you would rather your hamster build a log cabin.
4. Care for your hamster by buying special leashes for walking and purchasing other items from the shop to keep your hamster happy and clean. Change bedding chips and clean the cage often. Ensure that your hamster always has a full food bowl and water bottle. Groom your hamster with purchased care cream and let it run in an exercise wheel to improve its health.
Adopt Me
5. Open the Adopt Me website. (See Resources.) Click the "Adopt a Pet" button. Fill in your username, age, email address and password to create an account.
6. Follow the prompts to finish setting up your account. Select a hamster from the pet page. Assign your hamster a name, age and gender.
7. Navigate through the page to familiarize yourself with the different options available for your pet. Explore blogs and interact with others on Adopt Me by clicking one of the links below your pet's virtual world window.
Pet Games
8. Visit Pet Games if you prefer a hamster game you can play with no strings attached. (See Resources.) Scroll down the page to see a hamster with a wheel and a water bottle.
9. Feed your hamster by clicking within the window. Let the hamster eat the food pellets one at a time or click multiple times to feed your hamster more.
10. Click on the yellow dot in the middle of the wheel to get your hamster exercising again.
Tags: your hamster, hamster with, water bottle, bowl water, bowl water bottle, food bowl, food bowl water