No one can legally take coral in Florida.
Florida offers year-round, diverse flora and fauna, and plenty of species of animals ranging from domesticated pets to rare species of turtles. The diversity of the state creates a palette of potential adventures for everyone from cat owners and hobbyist swimmers to hunters and fisherman. Florida officials have instituted a number of animal protection laws which all residents and visitors must follow.
General Animal Cruelty Laws
If you trip, lasso, or otherwise injure or impede the legs of a horse, you may be charged with a felony crime under Florida's animal cruelty statutes. Intentional acts of repeated injury or causing cruel death to domesticated animals are also prosecutable as felonies in the state of Florida. General animal abuse and neglect, which may or may not result in the death of a cat, dog or horse, is usually a misdemeanor crime punishable by jail time and/or fines.
Euthanasia of Sick or Injured Pets
In Florida, if a law enforcement or animal control officer spots a diseased or injured cat or dog, he may humanely euthanize it himself if the owner cannot be located. This law calls to reduce any prolonged suffering to an incurably ill or seriously injured pet that is close to death, according to the University of Vermont's list of Florida animal cruelty statutes.
Turtle Protection Laws
Most turtles are protected under Florida law, as many breeds are considered an endangered species. Turtles that you cannot legally take live as pets or hunt include alligator snapping turtles, snapping turtles, cooters and Escambia map turtles. If the turtle does not fall under the banned list, you are limited to taking one per day for non-commercial use only.
Coral Protection Laws
Florida is the only state in the country to enjoy a substantial amount of coral reefs in its waters. However, if you spot a coral reef you cannot legally take any of the coral, according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection website. It doesn't matter whether you're a hobbyist swimming or a professional fisherman; taking coral is against the law for everyone in Florida.
Tags: legally take, animal cruelty, animal cruelty statutes, cannot legally, cannot legally take