Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dogs That Look Like Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas have large, bat-like ears.

Chihuahuas, named for the state in Mexico from which they are thought to originate, are a very small dog breed whose body length is longer than it is tall. Chihuahuas do not average more than 3 to 6 lbs. in weight as adults, and as such are very popular pets in urban areas and for residents of small dwellings. With their large, bat-like ears, round, inky eyes, and short snouts, chihuahuas have a very distinct look. Other dog breeds do, however, share certain aspects of the chihuahua's appearance.

Miniature or Toy Dogs

The Chihuahua is a miniature-sized dog. These small breeds are characterized by an adult body weight of not more than 10 lbs. Other miniature dog breeds have a similar compact build, including the pomeranian, which also has large and dark eyes; the miniature schnauzer; and the toy poodle. Miniature or toy dogs tend to have an energetic temperament and get along better with older children and adults than with toddlers or little kids.

Pointy-Eared Dogs

A defining characteristic of the Chihuahua's appearance are its pointy ears that are disproportionately large for its small head. Other dog breeds with particularly pointy ears include the Boston terrier, a similarly-sized small dog breed with short hair and and a pug-like face. While smaller in proportion to its size than the chihuahua, the Boston terrier's ears are just as perky and sure to bring a smile to any prospective pet owner's face.

Dogs with Unique Faces

Chihuahuas have large, round eyes that protrude slightly and are set far apart, and short snouts. Other dogs that have similar facial characteristics to Chihuahuas include the pug and the Chinese crested dog. Pugs have large, round eyes like those of Chihuahuas, but their faces have characteristic skin folds and flatter noses. The Chihuahua is thought to descend from the Chinese crested dog, a mostly hairless breed except for tufts on its face and neck. The Chinese crested also possesses large eyes and pointed ears.

Short Dogs

The Chihuahua's compact body is low to the ground, and the breed has difficulty ascending to certain elevations. Dachshunds are famously short and squat, with long, sausage-shaped bodies and very short legs. Another breed similar to the Chihuahua in stature is the corgi, long favored by the English royal family and likewise possessing short legs on a petite frame, as well as large, bat-like ears.

Tags: bat-like ears, Chinese crested, have large, large bat-like, large bat-like ears, Boston terrier