Pit Bull
Animal rescue organizations in Calgary do their best to rescue and adopt out abandoned pit bulls. Unfortunately, because of their unearned, bad reputation, many people shy away from the breed. With a little love and understanding, a pit bull can be a nice addition to a dog lover’s home.
1. Spend time learning about pit bulls. They have a bad reputation. More than likely you’re going to have to convince your family that the pit bull is the right dog to rescue. The more educated you are about pit bulls, the better armed you’ll be to dispel everyone’s fears about rescuing that type of breed.
2. Check with your landlord. If you live in an apartment in Calgary, check with your landlord to see whether owning a pit bull is in violation of your lease. While many landlords allow tenants to own pets, they might grow a bit concerned with a rescued pit bull because of the dog’s bad reputation. Here is where your knowledge about the breed can put your landlord’s mind at ease as far as allowing you to have one in your apartment.
3. Review your lifestyle. If you spend most of your time away at work or school and cannot spend adequate time with the dog, it’s best to forgo the adoption. Rescuing a pit bull is a commitment. If you don’t have the time to nurture the rescued dog, then it’s best not to adopt a pit bull.
4. Visit a few rescue centers. Pit Bulls for Life and Calgary Humane Society are two reputable rescue organizations dedicated to improving the lives of abandoned pets. While Pit Bulls for Life specializes in Pit Bulls and Huskies, Calgary Humane Society also has abandoned Pit Bulls that need rescuing.
5. Understand the dog’s history. While you may not be able to find out all of the details of your rescued dog’s prior life, finding out as much as you can from the rescue center makes it easier to understand your pit bull's quirks, likes and dislikes.
6. Take your rescued dog to your own vet. While the animal rescue centers do their best to ensure your rescued Pit Bull is healthy, it’s best to take the dog to your vet for a thorough examination.
Tags: your landlord, your rescued, about bulls, Bulls Life, Calgary Humane, Calgary Humane Society