Fans of the show can join the virtual Winx Club online
Winx Club is an animated children's series created by Iginio Straffi, who is a director, producer and founder of Rainbow Media. The show began in 2004 and has aired on more than 100 television stations across the world. The main character is a young girl named Bloom who discovers she is actually a fairy with special powers. She joins other fairies in a school called Alfea and forms the Winx Club. Together, the young fairies work to battle evil witches and other unsavory characters. Fans of the show can join The Winx Club in the form of an online fan forum.
1. Open an Internet web browser and type the address into the URL window. The site's homepage plays a short animated clip about the Winx Club fairies. On the left side of the screen there is a window where member can log in with their email addresses and passwords. Under that prompt a link reads "Sign up." Click on that link.
2. Read the fine print. The Winx Club Terms of Service will appear on your screen. This document basically informs the interested party that the information they provide, including their name, email address and any other volunteered data can be used by Rainbow Media at their discretion. It also includes a section warning parents to always monitor children when they are online to protect from third-party predators. Finally, Winx Club requires members who are under the age of 18 to have an adult's permission before registering. Once you have read the document thoroughly, click on the "Accept" button in the lower right-hand corner.
3. Fill out the registration form. The next page asks for the user's general information. This data includes a nickname, email address, password, the country you hail from, your gender, your age and a parent or guardian's email address. Fill in the text boxes with the corresponding information and click the button that reads "Next."
4. Access the Winx Club with an activation code that will automatically be sent to either your email address or the email address of the parent or guardian you provided. Check your email to retrieve your user name and activation code, which the email labels as a "password." There will also be a link to click to take you back to the Winx Club website where there will a prompt asking for your username and password. Once you type in that information and click "Sign in." You are now a member of the Winx Club.
Tags: Winx Club, email address, activation code, Fans show, Fans show join