Neopet homepages are also called "Pet Pages."
Neopets is an online game where players adopt virtual pets, also called Neopets. Each Neopet automatically receives a basic "homepage" when it's created. Players can customize this page however they wish, as long as their customizations are family-friendly and pass the HTML filter. Examples of customizations players can add include backgrounds, music, photographs and links.
1. Hold your mouse over the "Accounts" button, located on the top blue toolbar. Pull your cursor down to "Control Panel" and click. You'll be taken to the "Account Control Panel" page.
2. Locate the blue box in the lower right-hand corner labeled "Neopets." Press the "Edit Pet Page" button at the bottom of the box. You'll move to the "Your Neopets' Homepages" screen.
3. Choose the Neopet whose page you want to edit. Click the button beneath the image that says "Edit."
4. Edit the existing HTML code according to your desires. The HTML code appears in the large white box at the bottom of the screen. If you struggle with HTML coding, consult the Neopets HTML guide. Alternatively, cut and paste in pre-made HTML code from a Neopets fan site.
5. Press the "Preview Changes" button to view your edits. Confirm the changes if you're happy with them. Otherwise, press the "Reset Page to Default" button to return to your original Neopet homepage look.
Tags: HTML code, also called, Control Panel