A number of classified websites, such as Craigslist, USFreeads and Adpost, allow users to post free ads. Free ads are a cost-effective way of promoting your market offerings to your target audience. You can also place ads to find a particular product or service that you want to purchase, such as a used car model or a secondhand refrigerator.
1. Post ads on U.S. Free Ads. Click the top "Register" link on the page to sign up for a new account. Select the "Free Registration" option if you want to post up to two ads. Select a premium account for more ads. Once registered, post your first ad by clicking the "Post Ad" link on homepage. Choose the category and format for your ad. Add a title as well as description. Preview the ad, and if everything's appropriate, then go ahead and post the ad.
2. Post ads on Craigslist. Named after Craig Newmark, the mastermind behind the entire project, Craigslist serves the advertising needs of people from all parts of the world. The website is especially popular in the U.S. and Canada, where people from all walks of life post ads to sell or purchase items or to find a particular service. As of early 2011, Craigslist requires you to verify your account by telephone before you can start posting free ads.
3. Place ads on Ad Post. Select a geographical territory in which you want to promote the ad. Choose an ad category from the given options. The website redirects you to another page where you must register by providing information, such as your email address. Create your ad when registration is over. Select a title as well as description for your ad. Post the ad on the website.
Tags: Choose category, find particular, people from, title well, title well description, well description