Provide information about your dog's collar on the sign.
A lost dog sign can increase the probability that you find your dog. A well-placed flyer can draw attention and remind people about a lost dog if they spot a stray. A lost dog sign must provide a picture of your dog, contact information and be easy to read.
1. Write "Lost Dog" on the paper. It must appear in large letters at the top of your sign, because it will attract people's eyes and attention.
2. Place your dog's picture directly under the "Lost Dog" heading. A colored full body picture is best. It gives people more a of a visual representation of your pet.
3. Write your dog's details under its picture. Gender, weight, color, name on collar and any distinguishing marks or characteristics are all productive details.
4. Write your immediate phone numbers. Include the area code in case your dog has made a very long journey.
5. Write "Call ASAP" on the sign near your primary phone number.
6. Post the sign on a utility poll or notice board. Push pins or tacks work best.
Tags: lost sign, Write your