In the Internet game Webkinz, you're given the opportunity to adopt pets and raise them as your own. If you accidentally adopt a pet on the wrong account, the only way to remedy this is by merging the two accounts. You can do this by sending a request to the Webkinz staff. Keep in mind that one of the accounts must have been created in the past 30 days and, when merged, the pet on the younger account will be cleared of all stats, items and money--just as if it were being readopted from the beginning.
1. Access the Webkinz "Account Issues" page (see Resources) and select "Adopted Pet on the Wrong Account" from the list of issues.
2. Enter the requested information into the boxes. This includes username, secret code, name, birthday, email address and pet type.
3. Click "Send Request" on the bottom of the page. A staff member will have to review your account and transfer the pet manually. The pet will appear in your account in a few days.
Tags: your account