The TinierMe online game portal allows players to interact in an online world called Selfy Town. Players create a customized anime-style avatar, or "Selfy." Players can purchase a ChibiPet from the TinierMe shop, but the pet will not come to life until it is paired with a life stone; instead, an egg will follow your Selfy avatar around. Once you purchase both the ChibiPet and life stone from the online store, you can hatch the egg and start taking care of your pet.
1. Visit the TinierMe website ( and login to your account.
2. Click the "SHOP" tab at the top of the screen then select the "ChibiPets" sub-tab.
3. Click the "Featured" tab on the left side of the screen to display the featured ChibiPets, or click the "ChibiPets" tab to list all of the available ChibiPets.
4. Click the "BUY" button next to the ChibiPet you want to hatch. Click "BUY" again under the purchase confirmation screen.
5. Click the "SHOP" tab and select the "ChibiPets" sub-tab again. Select the "ChibiPets Items" tab on the left side of the screen.
6. Click the "BUY" button next to the "Life Stone" item. Click "BUY" a second time under the purchase confirmation screen.
7. Click the "Change" button under your Selfy avatar then select the "ChibiPets" tab.
8. Click the "ADD LIFE STONE" button underneath your ChibiPet then click "OK" on the confirmation pop-up screen.
9. Left-click the mouse on your ChibiPet, then click "Select." Click "Save Changes" then click "OK" on the confirmation pop-up screen.
10. Click the "SELFY TOWN" button located above your SELFY avatar. This will enter you into the Selfy Town online world. The egg will automatically appear on the ground next to your Selfy avatar.
11. Left-click your mouse on the ChibiPet egg to start hatching it. Continue clicking the egg until it completely hatches.
Tags: screen Click, your Selfy avatar, select ChibiPets, Selfy avatar, then click, button next