Argue your small claims complaint in front of a civil judge.
Small claims court is a civil court in which you can sue someone else for a relatively small amount of money. In the state of California, the plaintiff (the person making the claim) cannot seek more than $7,500 from the defendant. The process is simple, informal, and inexpensive, and claims are usually resolved within 20 to 70 days. There is a small fee for making a claim, but you do not need a lawyer present at the informal civil proceeding.
1. Visit the California court's website and search for the small claims court in your county. If you chose and file in the wrong small claims court, the judge will dismiss the case.
2. Travel to the small claims court to acquire the necessary paperwork and to watch a small claims hearing. You will need to obtain a form to lodge a complaint against someone. Watch a small claims hearing to prepare yourself for your hearing and to become familiar with the procedures involved.
3. Fill out the form, and any other applicable forms your county may require, and file the forms with the court. Give explicit and concrete reasons why you are suing the person or business. The court will notify the defendant of the motion.
Tags: small claims, claims court, small claims court, claims hearing, making claim, small claims hearing, your county